In Perth, and in Australia in general, the average person thinks that double brick is still the best building method available. Mostly because of its popularity, but popular isn’t necessarily best.
Here is why:
Bricks are terrible insulators.They conduct external heat inside during hot summer days and disperse outwards the warmth produced by our heating systems in the cold days. With our energy bills rising this equals to increasingly higher running costs for your home.
Even when insulated with expensive procedures they still lack the efficiency of structural insulated panels.
It takes a lot of time to build a house with bricks. The process is complex and labour intense. Relatively skilled labour is required to make sure the end product does not lack in quality. The SIPS method can be up to 60% quicker than a double brick construction.
We have all experienced the annoying hairline crack in a brick built home. While a rigid structure is often perceived as strong, Bricks are relatively brittle material and suffer from the inability to adapt to changes in the sandy Perth soil.
SIPS on the other hand is flexible and accommodates natural movements from foundation settlement and roof framing movement.
Brick built homes always give the perception of strength and safety. This is one of the reasons why people chose it as preferred building method.
SIPS though allows for cladding on the external walls so that once finished it’s hard to tell the difference between the two methods.
Lately we have seen a slight shift towards custom built timber frame homes in the Perth metro area. While this option is better than the double brick under many aspects, it doesn’t stack up to the Structural insulated panels for the following reasons:
SIPS are generally a light building material like timber frame. But once completed a SIPS structure forms a monolithic shell which is up to seven times stronger than a conventional timber frame building. SIPS buildings are capable of withstanding extreme climate and weather conditions.
In a comparative test conducted by Oak Ridge National Laboratory (a science and technology national laboratory run by the United States Department of Energy) researchers came to the conclusion that between two identical 240 m² homes they tested, the one built with SIPS was 5 times more air tight than the one built using wooden frames and fiberglass as insulator. Given that outside air leaking into your home is responsible for 40% of heat or cooling loss in the average home, the savings in energy consumption would be significant even against a method, timber framing, that is regarded as a "greener option". That is because it's always been compared to the brick building methods only.
Timber Framing has to be measured and often cut on site to achieve the desired measures and fittings. SIPS Panels are engineered to specific measures in the design process so when they have to be erected they fit perfectly each other. This pretty much eliminates waste material that happens on site with other building methods.
Once again, SIPS Panels are much quicker to install for all the reasons already outlined. They are easy to handle, they come already cut to specific measures and they don't need additional support as they are provide double bracing to the wall they create. This makes SIPS 3 times faster to build than traditional timber framing.